Thursday, May 26, 2011

Reminiscence workshop Istanbul

OIKODOMOS workshop  Istanbul, 1.- 6.5. 2011

Práca študentov bola náročná na čas, schopnosti a  koordináciu v tíme.
Students worked in international teams, solving the proximity issues on selected
site at Göksu, the workflow was challenging. It was good opportunity to disscuss
professional questions with foreign schoolmates from various cultures and schools and to agree
on common results. 

Príjemnou zmenou bola večera a posedenie so slovenským ambasádorom Ing.Jozefom  Šestákom, PhD. a jeho manželkou, ktorí nám porozprávali zaujímavosti z tureckého prostredia.

Welcome change was the common dinner with slovak embassador Dr.Jozef   Šesták and his wife, who told FASTU team of students and teachers a lot about domestic habits in Turkey and Istanbul, about their way of living, housing, working.

Plavba loďou k riešenej lokalite Göksu.

Participants of the workshop are sailing to the solved locality of Göksu, which lays on the Asian part of Istanbul. The trip was a good opportunity to perceive the atmosphere of the metropolis with 17 millions inhabitants, which coextends on both sides of Bosporus and water represents important transportation facility.

Zábery z riešeného územia.

Participants of the workshop are exploring the Göksu area. Their intervention designs are presented at

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