Thursday, May 26, 2011

Reminiscence workshop Istanbul

OIKODOMOS workshop  Istanbul, 1.- 6.5. 2011

Práca študentov bola náročná na čas, schopnosti a  koordináciu v tíme.
Students worked in international teams, solving the proximity issues on selected
site at Göksu, the workflow was challenging. It was good opportunity to disscuss
professional questions with foreign schoolmates from various cultures and schools and to agree
on common results. 

Príjemnou zmenou bola večera a posedenie so slovenským ambasádorom Ing.Jozefom  Šestákom, PhD. a jeho manželkou, ktorí nám porozprávali zaujímavosti z tureckého prostredia.

Welcome change was the common dinner with slovak embassador Dr.Jozef   Šesták and his wife, who told FASTU team of students and teachers a lot about domestic habits in Turkey and Istanbul, about their way of living, housing, working.

Plavba loďou k riešenej lokalite Göksu.

Participants of the workshop are sailing to the solved locality of Göksu, which lays on the Asian part of Istanbul. The trip was a good opportunity to perceive the atmosphere of the metropolis with 17 millions inhabitants, which coextends on both sides of Bosporus and water represents important transportation facility.

Zábery z riešeného územia.

Participants of the workshop are exploring the Göksu area. Their intervention designs are presented at

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Collaboration with Local Councils

Bratislava Dúbravka - Big Camp, design of the effective housing and new residential district

Involvement of public
Faculty of Architecture Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava innitiated in May 2009 the successful cooperation with the Local Council Dúbravka. Their cooperation in the project Oikodomos started with the specification of the locality of Big Camp in Dúbravka, which was selected for the Bratislava workshop and related learning activities. All educational partners in the project were solving the effective housing design on this site. The results (presented at were very interesting, integrating multicultural and interdisciplinary views on the issue. International students works were very inspiring, attracting the concern of Dúbravka inhabitants, ellected members and profesionals as well. The best designs generated the bases for the design of official Urban Study, which were initiated for the purpose of changing of the Master Plan in the locality, from specified agricultural land (cca 100 hectares) to new residential district.
Presentation by the Mayor of Dúbravka

Oikodomos Bratislava workshop 2009

Proximity centre
Bratislava Dúbravka - Design of central areas for identity and integrity of residential areas.
Faculty of Architecture Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava continued in winter term 2010 in the successful cooperation with the Local Council Dúbravka. Students of the 4th year of bachelor study within the specialized studio design with ICT solved the central areas of Dúbravka. The members of Local council, elected members and citizens were involved to the learning process at the locality programme information, project development consultations, final presentations and public exhibition.

Students works
Public exhibition was organized at the cultural house in Dúbravka - Fontána, in February 2011


Monday, May 23, 2011

Mapping the proximity - Bratislava suburbs

Architecture and urban planning are part of the physical manifestation of our society, expressive of its values and its resources. Buildings, landscapes and cities are spatial expressions of human activities, social processes and institutions. Today the social and cultural milieu in which architects work is rapidly changing. They must be able to translate needs and resources of the society into relevant solutions of living environment. Architects must address the emerging problems of the day both practically and theoretically. Suburban housing is in the process of the town development the phenomenon, which substantially affects the characteristics of the living environment. Current trends represent the two different directions of the construction of new residential areas.
One way focuses on extensive form of construction at the edges of cities and rural settlements without a comprehensive settlement of the services and amenities, and the second by densification of already existing residential structures which were built in the past, in contact with the existing areas. The problem of the construction of the current suburban residential zones is deficient solution in terms of application of the factors that contribute to the harmonisation of the living environment. This is the economic, social, environmental and cultural factors. In the construction of the residential units are missing in the spectrum of features that significantly contribute to the quality of the living environment and bringing it to the city way of life.
The main starting point in the development of the living environment should be the application of the principles of sustainable development. These principles are reflected in the architectural design which should ensure the necessary level and capacity development of the housing.

As a response to the problems of suburban development is the first-rate attention devoted to high-quality processing of territorial plans, use of the sites that have lost their original function and the revitalization of existing estates.
The role of architects is to develop the future housing schemes which will find appropriate solutions of the broad scope of problems connected with the suburban housing.

Faculty of Architecture Slovak University of Technology Bratislava presents the Design Studio dealing with the proximity issues and the barriers in the east development area of Bratislava, which is generated by the big refinery Slovnaft.
The scheme shows the placement, distance and surface of the refinery to the city centre. Surrounding residential areas are divided by the refinery.
Night panorama of the refinery.

Solved contact area, revitalized mainly to housing function.

Design: Bc. Barbora Borščová
Tutor: prof.Dr.Peter Vodrážka
Text: Malovany

Flexibility and variability in housing

Flexibility and variability in the housing concepts can be defined as the design of the housing structures with the understanding of prospective development of the site, life and social scenarios; with the possibility to make appropriate changes in the housing environment, structure or unit. Variability and flexibility is the ability to change a living environment and to adapt it according to new requirements. It can be applied in urban and architectural scale in relation with the urban or architectural structure.
In the urban context  it applies mainly for the structure of amenities of a city (community) - when designing specific areas for shops, services, offices, entertainment, leisure time activities and culture. Variable and flexible structure of amenities of the city (community) offers an attractive "mixture" of different functions, that can be joined together in different ways to multi-function (point-concentrated) units: shopping malls, multipurpose complexes, courthouses and amusement parks.
Public spaces fulfill the role of a connecting framework when combining individual amenities. Public spaces may offer a number of variable and flexible elements which increase their attractiveness of use and may also change their function. Variable and flexible urban structure, in the final outcome - in the wider context, improves the quality of housing which is in direct relation to such structures.
In the architectural context, the flexibility and variability binds to a specific space, which is designed in such way that it has the ability to change – vary its functional use. Apartment as a base unit of housing should be able to respond to changes (variability) and to adapt to these changes (flexibility).
Flexibility and variability in the housing concepts can be defined as the design of the housing structures with the understanding of prospective development of the site, life and social scenarios; with the possibility to make appropriate changes in the housing environment, structure or unit. Variability and flexibility is the ability to change a living environment and to adapt it according to new requirements. It can be applied in urban and architectural scale in relation with the urban or architectural structure.
In the urban context  it applies mainly for the structure of amenities of a city (community) - when designing specific areas for shops, services, offices, entertainment, leisure time activities and culture. Variable and flexible structure of amenities of the city (community) offers an attractive "mixture" of different functions, that can be joined together in different ways to multi-function (point-concentrated) units: shopping malls, multipurpose complexes, courthouses and amusement parks.
Public spaces fulfill the role of a connecting framework when combining individual amenities. Public spaces may offer a number of variable and flexible elements which increase their attractiveness of use and may also change their function. Variable and flexible urban structure, in the final outcome - in the wider context, improves the quality of housing which is in direct relation to such structures.
In the architectural context, the flexibility and variability binds to a specific space, which is designed in such way that it has the ability to change – vary its functional use. Apartment as a base unit of housing should be able to respond to changes (variability) and to adapt to these changes (flexibility).
Variable apartment is a dwelling with layout which allows for certain simple and inexpensive modifications, while the total area of ​​the apartment remains unchanged (does not increase or decrease). Variable apartment allows changing its layout by inexpensive modifications to the whole building.

© FA STU Bacová